Hi Dr Phil. So sorry about Dr bhadkis short response. He is shooting himself in the foot. I've tried to coax him out many times in the past. Can't get logic or reason out of him, and he wonders why everyone doesn't repeat what he says. Or forgets him complelty . Almost everyone who references burkharts work, forgets it was bhakdi who directed him .
Your recent video discussing immunology where you included T cells was spot on, word for word. I really hope the audience start to learn that the T cells immunology is the real important aspect that you need to understand it all.
You also said you think it's cause of clots.. good.
You can now do a video concluding the 4 year "mystery clot" mystery, as their trigger is endothelial destruction by the killer T cells on cells producing spike on mass. The resulting destruction and debris and clotting factor released, makes the lots,with spike binding the fibrin together . Neutrophils coming to deal with the damage are also caught up, and release neutrophil elastase. Like rubbery scar tissue webbing. That's in your list of "rubber clots composition".
Dr Ryan Cole reported in 2022, "mostly fibrin, with spike and neutrophils".
Note. You don't need "sticky bits" to explain why the lymphocyte attack. They attack because spike is foreign. Most people already had T cells with memory to the S2 epitopes. As you have reported, it's homologous to common colds.
Mystery solved.
Show quoted text
Dear Doctors,
I continue to eat h on dismay as you both complelty fail to community with urgency.
A month ago Dr Phil had spent 2 years looking for "the elephant in the room" and "we need autopsies, without autopsies their is no science". Then, Dr Rory reminded Dr Phil of Dr burkharts patjolgy, and then with my help we focused on the auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes.
Dr Phil, you said clearly "thanks will, for "lymphocyte infiltration, now I know what I am looking for I can see".
So I handed you the elephant in the room, (killer T cells attack) and the way to find the evidence (lymphocyte infiltration).
And since then, Dr Phil, you simply stopped the investigation, and change the subject.
This is after I sent you loads of examples of lymphocyte infiltration I autopsies.
And THEN, With millions dead and a planet confused, Dr bhakdi REFUSED to do an interview on the subject , making excuses as always to not collaborate like scientists. Millions dying.
You are both seen as heros, and yet this is what you both do.
It's disgusting.
Dr bhakdi, you KNOW that trying to teach people about auto immune attack is IMPOSSIBLE,. That means you KNOW that we are facing an evil force. Something hidden. Yet you STILL refused to communicate.
You hide in the shadows.
I am saddened by both of your behaviour.
The deaths are on both of you, because you can't talk the truth.
That is what I, have to say, about both of your behaviour.
Will T.
The last scientist.
On Mon, 2 Dec 2024, 16:11 Will Thomson, <forestfinder@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hi Dr Phil. So sorry about Dr bhadkis short response. He is shooting himself in the foot. I've tried to coax him out many times in the past. Can't get logic or reason out of him, and he wonders why everyone doesn't repeat what he says. Or forgets him complelty . Almost everyone who references burkharts work, forgets it was bhakdi who directed him .
Your recent video discussing immunology where you included T cells was spot on, word for word. I really hope the audience start to learn that the T cells immunology is the real important aspect that you need to understand it all.
You also said you think it's cause of clots.. good.
You can now do a video concluding the 4 year "mystery clot" mystery, as their trigger is endothelial destruction by the killer T cells on cells producing spike on mass. The resulting destruction and debris and clotting factor released, makes the lots,with spike binding the fibrin together . Neutrophils coming to deal with the damage are also caught up, and release neutrophil elastase. Like rubbery scar tissue webbing. That's in your list of "rubber clots composition".
Dr Ryan Cole reported in 2022, "mostly fibrin, with spike and neutrophils".
Note. You don't need "sticky bits" to explain why the lymphocyte attack. They attack because spike is foreign. Most people already had T cells with memory to the S2 epitopes. As you have reported, it's homologous to common colds.
Mystery solved.
On Sun, 1 Dec 2024, 20:29 Philip McMillan, <vejonhealth@outlook.com> wrote:
Thank you for the paper, Sucharit.
If you are ever willing to be interviewed, I would be happy to oblige.
From: Sucharit Bhakdi <Bhakdi_Sucharit@protonmail.com>
Sent: 01 December 2024 11:12
To: Will Thomson <forestfinder@googlemail.com>
Cc: Philip McMillan <vejonhealth@outlook.com>
Subject: Re: Bhakdi/ Lymphocyte infiltrationHello Will and Philip,
The impact of oral presentations outside of mainstream is bound to be limited. I have therefore tried from the very beginning to put down my thoughts on paper. The attached article was written two years ago for a book that is currrently being edited by Vera Sharav. A significant point is the enhancement of harm by antibodies and complement. A situation then arises akin to hyperacute transplant rejection. This topic deserves more mention in the future, although it takes the audience into a difficult area in immunology - beyond lymphocytic infiltration.
With best wishes,
Will Thomson <forestfinder@googlemail.com> schrieb am Samstag, 30. November 2024 um 15:54:
No problem. Anything I can do to help.
I cc'd Dr Bhakdi in last time. My hope was as a doctor with an audience, if you reached out to him, he will respond. He mostly didn't with me, saying always he was quitting..but he never did. He spent most of his interviews explaining things repeatedly to laymen who weren't actually able to understand and confirm his facts back again, and so he didn't realise he was essentially talking to himself the entire time, before admitting that teaching people is impossible.
His work relied on Dr burkharts pathology, which should be enough, however it was largely forgotten. However you, now have the magic words, "lymphocyte infiltration" and can use that to find those words hidden in hundreds of biopsies and autopsies, the rest of the planet can't see.
Note, in the past, you did one study and found it, then you remarked "so this is an immune cell mediated response, and that is quite serious".
As you say, pathology evidence is the key. Histology to stain for lymphocyte attacking is the only way. This has been done hundreds of times, but the pathologists genuinely dont comprehend that critical concept, and so all miss it. They look, but do not see.
You now doing a series of videos giving examples of lymphocyte infiltration, would be on the frontline of the entire investigation.
But I study the phenomeon whereby everyone listening, won't aknoledge, comprehend or share. I can observe the comments responses to your videos, and observe how 99% of people will NOT aknowledge you have even spoken of it!!!
In other news, Prof Clancy had just declared to Dr John that the "immune system attacking" is in "his view", the me hanism of harm, and Dr Mike Yeadon has done a silver bullet video explaining the same.. the immune system attacking and destroying (obliterative lymphocytic vasculitis) is the key explanations.
However all of their audience, as usual, have all completely ignored the fact. Dr Yeadon has responded to me saying that "the details don't matter!!!!!!!".
I can't get logic out of any of them, you are the first to aknolwedge and communicate and progress! After 5 years of me trying!
Can I also suggest you show your audience the YouTube videos....
"Cytotoxic T cells" (6 minutes Long)
"Your immune system under a microscope" (video of a trial lymphocytes working) 5 minutes long.
On Sat, 30 Nov 2024, 14:30 Philip McMillan, <vejonhealth@outlook.com> wrote:
Thanks, Will.
Happy to speak with Dr Bhakdi if he is available.
Sent from Outlook for Android
From: Will Thomson <forestfinder@googlemail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2024 2:16:30 PM
To: Philip McMillan <vejonhealth@outlook.com>; Sucharit Bhakdi <Bhakdi_Sucharit@protonmail.com>
Subject: Lymphocyte infiltrationDr Dr Phil,
I am enthralled and exciting to see you adopt the 2 most important words, "lymphocyte infiltration", and it's key to unlocking not just Dr burkharts pathology, but you can now search years of autopsies and biopsies where lymphocytes are found wherever the mRNA has transfected. The T cells are found in there, doing the damage, and triggering the clots. You can find examples of Vaccine induced at cell dominated hepatitis, occular damage, skin/epidermis, cardio, ms, etc. the ovetwhelming majority of adverse events is simply down to the immune attack. I have included Dr bhakdis email and cc'd him in hope you both might decide to interview, since you are now focused exactly on the most important medical answers in hamun history. Dr bhakdi made a herculean effort to try to educate the world, but his specific messege. Lymphocyte amok. Auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes. Was never repeated by 99.99% of everyone he told. He eventually declared that "teaching people this is impossible". So to understand what's REALLY going on, you have to aknolwedge that when you do videos explaining this critical truth, you will be ingnored by everyone, deceptively. All you have to do to observe and confirm this is, check all comments to find that nobody will demonstrate understanding and use of the words "lymphocyte infiltration", "killer T lymphocytes" or "cytotoxic T cells".
The audience don't seem to realise they are being collectively ignorant, and all avoiding this central topic. They will put on the appearance of learning and caring. But in all cases, it is unfathomably impossible to get everyone to value and repeat this MECHANSIM of harm. If challenged to demonstrate they know, they will soon adopt bizzare avoidance and denialist tactics and tend to lose all logic, compassion and reason to avoid exposing their ignorance on the specific concept.
Your recent video on the Japanese vasculitis case was excellent, thankyou for acknowledging myself, Dr bhakdi and Dr burkhart. This is an incredible development, as essentially you have now found the elephant. With the two words I provided. Lymphocyte. Infiltration.
Your "Spike Triggered Auto Immune Response Mechanism" was right all along, and now too you have the mechanism details. Dr bhakdi phrased it "auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes". And this is the best clear scientific definition.
You have now joined myself, Dr Bhadki, Dr John Campbell, Marc Girardot, Bret Weinstein and the sole few who have been desperatly trying and failing to educate humanity and teach them this world changing critical fact.
Others who occasionally or vaguely argue this mechanism, now include Dr Clare Craig, Dr Jessica Rose, Dr Mike Yeadon all recently focused on it.
However the all barely seem to realise, that the process of explaining it and educating on it, hoping for public awareness and the fact being shared. Is NOT working. Doesn't work. And hasn't been working this entire four years. The phenomeon I describe is a pattern whereby 99.99% of humanity simply cannot comprehend this simple concept.
I hope you do some more videos giving examples of lymphocyte infiltration or "lymphocytic infiltrates" post jab, but please be hyper aware and observe your audience response, and look for signs they have actually understood. You will find that they have not. It is unbelievable, mysterious and unexplainable by science how this could be happening, but I have studied and documented it for 4 years.
I will keep trying my best to work on my mission of brining these household name influencer doctors to work together and focus entirely on the mechanism of harm, and then proving that something intelligent and unseen, is literally making it impossible for 99% of doctors to understand this mechanism .they really are all genuinely baffled. They really didn't consider the immune response . Nobody. Discussed. The cytotoxic T cells response.
I. Other good news, Dr yeadon has released a "silver bullet" video on sybstack, and in it he clearly describes that mRNA harms by the cells expressing foreign proteins, are ATTACKED/KILLED/DESTROYED.
However I have joined in the comments where 100% of his audience, have ignored that fact. And Dr Yeadon has been responding to me.
So the interaction of both you and Dr yeadon, with both of you now focused on the most critical medical fact in history. Is the best development I have had in the entire 5 years of trying.
I'll add some screenshots of some other pathology with lymphocyte infiltration, please do use them in your videos.
Note, Dr bhakdis findings were written clearly in a bmj article called "COVID update: what is the truth. (2022) Towards the end of the article.
And yet the entire world still was unable to learn of these findings. That is how bizzare and unexpalainable what's happening is.
Could I perhaps encourage you to find Dr yeadon silver bullet video and join in comments to Dr yeadon, and focus on what he said, the immune system said, "the immune system attacks and destroys cells".
And hopefully we can make astounding progress from here on.
The cd8+ lymphocytes obliterative vasculitis is also the answer to what triggers clots. The "white clot mystery," isn't a mystery anymore!
Dear Will, I am 100% behind you!
Anyone who thinks Will has an ulterior motive, you are wrong. Anyone who thinks that Will wants the limelight, you are wrong.
I have been around long enough to know that Will has 1 goal. Saving lives. And in helping Will, you are assisting this goal. Anyone who can help to break the spell over the people and bring the truth, this is what Will needs.
Please put egos and hesitations aside. You, who see the truth, have been blessed with sight. Please help to bring it to others.
Apologies in advance if any toes have been stepped on, but the hour is late and there is no time for niceties.
Sincerely. APE